Lab 6: Node.js

ENSE 374 - Software Engineering Management - Laboratory

University of Regina - Engineering and Applied Science - Software Systems Engineering

Lab Instructor: Adam Tilson

This lab introduces Node.js, a server-side runtime environment that uses JavaScript. This application allows you to write code in JavaScript that exists on the server and can perform actions like serving files, performing database operations and customizing files at runtime through templates.

Computer running Windows, MacOS or Linux, with an Intel or AMD-based processor (x86 or x86-64) with administrator privileges.

  • A modern web browser, with a strong preference for Firefox or Chrome
  • A text editor, preferably VS Code

Unix CLI Refresher

To use node we will need to issue commands through the Terminal.

In VS Code, you can open the integrate terminal with:

Ctrl + Shift + `

(backtick character, same key as ~), or you can use the Command Palette

Unix terminal cheat sheet

WSL2 - Windows System for Linux - Optional, if you are in Windows and need more linux in your life

MVC: Controller

Recall the stack we are developing within this course:

We are now moving over the controller side. The controller should:

  • Control the flow of the application execution
  • Handle requests from the view and return responses from the model
  • Act like a negotiator between the view and the model


  • view: I want to read or update the database
  • controller: let me check if they are making the request correctly
  • controller: let me check if they are authorized
  • controller: database, give me data
  • database: okay, here you go, controller!
  • controller: okay, here you go, view!


Instead of thinking our system as model-view-control (functional modules), we can think of it as front-end and back-end. “Full-stack” means you code both front-end and back-end

  • We looked at Front-end as the GUI / Client / Browser
  • Back-end is the Program Logic / Server
    • Typically runs on a remote computer connected over the internet
      • Why?
        • Anyone can read your JavaScript code!
        • Anything that needs to be secret needs to go on the back end
          • trade secrets, business logic, transaction details, etc.
  • The back end typically includes the “Controller” and the “Model”.

Common Back-end Technologies

Php, Ruby, Java, Python, Node.js

Frameworks: Cake (PHP), Rails (Ruby), Express.js (Node)

What is Node.js

An extension to JavaScript that allows it to be used outside of the browser

  • We’ll use it on the server
  • But it can also be used on Desktops, e.g. to build VS Code, Atom, Discord using the Electron framework

Why use it?

It allows you to perform operations directly on the server, such as: Access filesystem file, access a database, use computer hardware directly, etc.

  • We already saw how Browser-based JavaScript could not do these operations
  • Browser-based JS is also running on the client, dedicated to a single user
    • but our database is on the server, and shared by multiple users

Installing Node

Get Node.js here!

Installation Node.js is mostly pain-free!

  • MongoDB will be worse in a few weeks.

  • If you Windows or Mac you can run an installer
  • If you have a custom package manager like Chocolaty on Windows or Homebrew on Mac, you can get it here
  • If on Linux, use the package manager, like Apt or Yum

Important: You will want to be able to call node and npm from the path!

Alternate Lab Installation: No Admin Access

If you are in the lab and are not finidng node is working correctly out of the box, and

Where do I get help:

The official documentation

How we’ll use it in this course:

We are going to be developing on our local machines rather than using a dedicate server.

  • Both the “server side” applications (like Node.js, Mongodb) and the “client side” applications (Firefox) will run on your local device
  • This is a common development practice
  • It allows you to test your application before deployment
  • This may be a bit confusing when starting
    • Remember that all of the Node.js code and files would later be stored on a remote server
    • They would be accessed through a domain name ( e.g. )
    • instead, we’ll connect using the loopback address ( i.e. localhost)


The interpreter-style environment in Node is the REPL: Read Execute Print Loop

It’s a sandbox environment for testing things, like the Python Prompt or JavaScript console

  • Run commands, immediately see output

Once Node.js is installed, you can run the REPL with node

We can try some common operations like console.log("...")

You can exit with Ctrl + c

Running Node Scripts

As with JavaScript it is much more powerful to write many lines of code and save it in a script.

  • Save it in a file with the .js extension, e.g. app.js
  • Then run it with node using:
node app.js

Node Built-in modules

One of the major advantages of Node.js is that you can easily use modules

  • This includes ones installed in Node.js
  • You can also install others from the Node Package Manager (npm).

Example built in modules you can use

crypto, fs, os, path, readline, http

You can read more about these in the official docs!

Adding a module

At the beginning of a file, add:

const fs = require("fs");

These are like c++ includes or python imports

A Simple HTTP Server

  • You do not need to memorize this, we’ll use the Express module instead in a few sections!

Tutorial from the MDN

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a way to represent a method for storing data, e.g. in a text files, based on the syntax of JavaScript objects. In particular, it has support for nested objects and properties which are arrays:

  "firstName": "Adam",
  "lastName": "Tilson",
  "address": {
    "streetAddress": "123 Fake St.",
    "city": "Springfield"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "123 456-7890"
      "type": "work",
      "number": "789 456-1230"
  "children": [],
  "spouse": null

JSON Syntax diagrams

JSON objects let you quickly write data to files which may be read in and turned back into objects. Additionally, it is well supported in various languages through different modules. We’ll make use of this syntax extensively in Mongo DB.

Writing a JSON File

Example: Writing an object to a json file

const fs = require( "fs" );

var myObj = { name : "Adam" };

fs.writeFile ( __dirname + "/object.json", 
                   JSON.stringify( myObj ), 
                   ( err ) => {
    if ( err ) {
        console.log( "Error writingthe file:", err );

Try using our more complicated JSON object we included earlier!

Reading from a JSON file

Similar to writing a file, you can read from a file:

const fs = require( "fs" );
fs.readFile ( __dirname + "/object.json",
            ( err, jsonString ) => {
    if ( err ) {
        console.log("Error reading file from disk:", err);
    try {
        const object = JSON.parse(jsonString);
        console.log("User's name is:",; // Adam
    } catch ( err ) {
        console.log("Error parsing JSON:", err);

External modules

Node shines when you tap into the vast amount of code that other people have written…


const express = require ( "express" );

In order to get these packages, we can use npm

We’ll talk about Express a little later!


Node Package Manager - An application which allows you to install dependencies for your application, thus avoiding “dependency hell”.

In the bad old days, when you would download a package, it would rely on other packages, so you would download all of those, and some of those would depend on other packages, so you would download those. A package manager essentially builds a dependency graph and ensures all of the requirements are downloaded automatically.

npm init

npm init create a package.json file which describes your package and its dependencies

  • Essentially a wizard that walks you through initializing your application

  • If you ever download a package from someone else, it will include this file

  • With this file, you can download all the project dependencies automatically with npm install

Creating your own node modules

Using good SSE principles, you know the power of separating your code into manageable files and libraries.

  • Node modules are like libraries
  • Modules need user accessible components
    • At the end of your node script, add elements to the module.exports object
    • These will be available in the module which imports it

Exports can be variables, classes, functions

Example: Exports in calc.js

function add (x, y) {
    return x + y;

exports.add = add;

The user is able to access “exports”, and the members inside

For you imports, you need syntax like, e.g. in app.js:

const calculate = require(__dirname + "/calc.js");
const add = calculate.add;


What is Express.js

Express JS

  • A module for Node.js that makes running an HTTP server easy
  • Think of it like jQuery for Node.js HTTP server operations
  • We briefly saw how to do server operations in Node.js without a framework, but why bother if there are packages that make your life easier?

How to get it

Express on NPM


npm install express

This will install express into the current project, and also add it to the package.json as a dependency.

Adding Express to your app

In app.js, add the following imports and boilerplate

const express = require ( "express" );

// this is a canonical alias to make your life easier, like jQuery to $.
const app = express(); 

// a common localhost test port
const port = 3000; 

// Simple server operation
app.listen (port, () => {
    // template literal
    console.log (`Server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);

We start up our server, and use this callback to run once the server starts running.

We could access this server from our browser using: http://localhost:3000

However, it is not running anything just yet!

Running your server

node app.js

Note that this is a server. The running program will not complete, but instead take over the console and runs until you terminate it, typically with Ctrl + c. Closing the terminal may kill this process, killing your server. You don’t want to do this unless you are done with your server!

However, if you make any changes to your file, the sever is not automatically restarted. You would need to restart it manually, unless we use a package called nodemon, which we’ll get to in a bit!

Responding to GET requests

The general syntax for handing an http request is:

app.httpMethod(route, callbackFunction);

So, for example, let’s return some simple HTML when the user requests the root directory “/” using GET:

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
    res.send("<h1> Hello Node World! </h1>");
    console.log("A user requested the root route");
  • req and res are the canonical callback function argument names you see commonly used, short for request and response.
    • Caution, if you use nested callbacks later without thinking, you might reuse these variables! Be careful and think of scoping!
    • We can print out the request to the console to see what all is included inside the callback:
      • console.log(req);
  • The “/” route maps to the root of your site, when hosted locally, this is at: http://localhost:3000

  • Test our your server by opening up your browser (e.g. Firefox), and navigating to that address:


We can respond to specific URLs using Routes

e.g. If we wanted to offer a page for the address http://localhost:3000/about

Then the corresponding javascript is…

app.get("/about", (req, res) => {
    res.send("<h1> I am a SSE student at U of R! </h1>");
    console.log("A user requested the about page");
  • Typically put this before the app.listen.
  • We can have multiple of these functions for different routes.

  • If you place the server terminal next to the browser window, you can see the interaction occurring.
    • Where do the console.log messages go? Are they in the browser?


Every time we made a change, we had to restart node. Can we automate this?

nodemon is a utility which monitors for changes in your server code and automatically restarts it. Saves you from repetitive stress injuries!

Install it with…

npm install -g nodemon

The -g flag means install globally, so all your projects can use it, not just the current one.

Run it with

npx nodemon

Note: This will look for the main entry point for your applicaiton in your package.json file created when you ran npm init. This will automatically host your server, assuming the main entry point is app.js.

If your package file does not match application was instead stored in app.js, you can either update the package.json, or manually run it like:

npx nodemon app.js

Note - it will watch ALL of the files for changes and restart on any changes, if you want to ignore a particular type of files, e.g. JSON files, then use the following:

npx nodemon --ignore "*.json"

Note: If you are still saving a file using writeFileSync, this will be detected as a change in the directory, and restart nodemon. Either comment this out, or ignore changes to this type of file.

On Windows, in order for nodemon to run, you may be required to run the following, from an Administrator Powershell, to enable running powershell scripts: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted and confirm.

Sending a file

It’s useful to send text, but even better to send complete HTML files!

res.sendFile will instead return a file as a response.


res.sendFile(__dirname + "/index.html")
  • __dirname gives you the local directory
    • this is the directory your node project is running in
    • thus this will return the file names index.html in your project directory

Serving static resources like stylesheets

By default, express won’t serve up static website resources like .css, and .js files that give your site functionality

  • To add this functionality, make a new folder called “public”, and put all of the static files in there.

Then add the line:


In public use the same directory structure as before, e.g. css/style.css, js/script.js etc.

From our HTML, link stylesheets as if the base directory is in public, so…

If the stylesheet is located in…


In index.html, link your stylesheet as…

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

Can you do the same with .js files?

Passing data to the server using forms

on the HTML side:

<form action="/" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="my-text" id="my-text">
    <input type="submit" value="submit">

When this form is submitted, it will send data to the root / using POST

Parsing data on the server

In the server, specify a route for root with post…"/", (req, res) => {
  res.send("message received");

This function has captured that data being passed from the form in the req object, however, we’re not doing anything with the data. How do we use it?

Using the Sent Data

To use our form data, we need to add another line to our file, after declaring app

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true})); 

In our application, how do we check the data we got?"/", (req, res) => {
    res.send("message received");

This will dump all of the submitted elements to the server’s console.

  • You can see that body is an object, like any other.
  • You see the object structure and collect the fields as needed!
    • Use the appropriate object access notation in order to use the object properties.


Sometimes, after handling the users data, you will need to redirect them to another page. This could be used, for example, to block users who haven’t entered the correct username or password.

The following code redirects them back to the root route:


This will run whatever code you have in the root route handler.

You may wish to further pass along the body data for further processing. If you need to forward the POST data to the new page as well, use the following:

res.redirect(307, "/");


By now you’ve likely noticed a lot of stuff in your directory that doesn’t really need to be under version control.

We can use a .gitignore file which lists files and directories not to include in git adds

You can also download one:

Add it to your directory as .gitignore

Complete Example

We covered a lot here. The following puts together everything into a working example, slightly different than what we did in the lab:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
    <h1>Welcome to my Website</h1>
    <form action="/" method="post">
        <input type="text" name="my-text" id="my-text">
        <input type="submit" value="submit">
    <script src="js/index.js"></script>


/*slightly less offensive that setting the background to magenta*/
body {
    font-family: sans-serif;


// slightly less offensive than alert messages
console.log("javascript is working")


// const fs = require( "fs" );

// var myObj = { name : "Adam" };

// fs.writeFile ( __dirname + "/object.json", 
//                    JSON.stringify( myObj ), 
//                    "utf8", 
//                    ( err ) => {
//     if ( err ) {
//         console.log( "Error writingthe file:", err );
//         return;
//     }
// });

// fs.readFile ( __dirname + "/object.json",
//             "utf8", 
//             ( err, jsonString ) => {
//     if ( err ) {
//         console.log("Error reading file from disk:", err);
//         return;
//     }
//     try {
//         const object = JSON.parse(jsonString);
//         console.log("User's name is:",; // Adam
//     } catch ( err ) {
//         console.log("Error parsing JSON:", err);
//     }
// });

const express = require ( "express" );

// this is a canonical alias to make your life easier, like jQuery to $.
const app = express(); 

// host static resources, like js and css

// configure express to access variables in req.body object when submitting forms
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true})); 

// a common localhost test port
const port = 3000; 

// Simple server operation
app.listen (port, () => {
    // template literal
    console.log (`Server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
    // code you wish to run when the user get's the route must be in here!
    res.sendFile(__dirname + "/index.html")
    console.log("A user requested the about page");
}); ("/", (req, res) => {
    // this code will run only if a user submits a form to the `/` route
    if (req.body["my-text"] === "secret") {
        // send the user to the /secret route, and pass along the req.body object
        res.redirect(307, "/secret");
    } else {
        res.send ("You can't access this page unless you know the `secret`")
}) "/secret", (req, res) => {
    // confirm that they know the secret by inspecting the req.body
    if (req.body["my-text"] === "secret") {
        res.send ("you know the secret. Good job!")
    } else {

For this assignment, use node.js and express to create a server which which hosts your prototype project as it exists at the end of lab 5.


  • Create a JSON file which is accessible to the server.
    • This should contains a list of objects, each of which contains a username and password field.
    • Store a set of sample usernames and corresponding passwords in this file
      • e.g. a@a.a aPassword, etc.

Warning - storing passwords in plain text / JSON is a very bad practice! We are only doing to learn. We will replace it with more secure methods in the future!


  • Create an express server which can host all of the files developed so far for lab 5.
    • This includes the .css, .js, and one HTML page per request
  • The / route should cause the user user to be directed to the login page
    • If the user attempts to log in to the login page using any of the username and corresponding passwords from the JSON object
      • Admit them to the prototype application.
      • i.e., when the user submits the form, submit it to a new route, e.g. /app
      • In the code for /app, check username and password
        • Only grant access to the page if a username exists and the corresponding password was entered
        • Else send them back to the login page.
    • No other functionality is needed yet.

Hint: This is likely your first time nesting callbacks. It get’s tough to follow! Your code is like a Matryoshka.

  • Inside the server callback,…
    • You will need the reading JSON callback, fs.readFile(…
      • And handle comparison outcomes inside here! Redirect or send files as needed


This lab will be graded through live demo / interview next week!