Lab 2: Asset Inventories and Site-Maps

ENSE 271 - People-Centred Design - Laboratory

University of Regina - Engineering and Applied Science - Software Systems Engineering

Lab Instructor: Adam Tilson

In this lab, we are going to look at ways of documenting a high level view of a web application, including mapping out the pages that you need using SiteMaps, and mapping out the content needed and completed using a spreadsheet application. These activities broadly fall under the UX category of Information Architecture, which has roots in Library science (organizing and prioritizing content), and Cognitive Psychology (making it quick to learn, easy to understand and navigate).

The highest level view of a website is often expressed as a sitemap.

Visual Sitemap - A hierarchical diagram which you create prior to website implementation which lists all of the pages on your site, nesting child pages under parent pages. This should be done as soon as you have mapped your user journey, e.g. from User Story Mapping, and after (or in parallel) with collecting and categorizing your content, e.g. in an asset inventory.

Reasons for creating a sitemap:

  • Consider User Experience (UX) from the beginning, including:
    • How will the content be structured?
    • How will the user navigate it?
  • Additionally, this can help you…
    • Understand the site’s goals and purposes
    • Understand how to arrange content
      • Similar content should be grouped together, e.g. through Card Sorting
      • Helps you eliminate redundancies
    • Keep team members on the same page about design
      • The sitemap becomes a development roadmap
    • Confirm all business goals are met
      • You can walk through the sitemap with stakeholders

Try to answer:

  • What is the user’s need for information?
    • Are they looking for something they know is here?
    • Are they browsing content to see what is here?
    • Do they want as much detail as possible on a specific topic?
    • Are they looking to find something again which they previously found?
  • How will they find this information?
    • Only ~50% of users arrive from the home page
      • Many users start on a sub page, e.g. from a web search
    • What clear path can they take to get to their goal?
      • More important than the “3-click-rule”

From the answers, you can decide between a flat / wide sitemap, or a deep one.

Card Sorting

  • A great activity to figure out how content is logically sorted is Card Sorting
    • Write page or content titles on cards
    • Shuffle them
    • Have a client or user then sort these cards into piles
    • The piles show how the user logically groups the content
      • Informs which pages should be nested together

Example Sitemap:

Example Sitemap

Note on Hierarchies:

The following diagram shows several ways you can draw out wide hierarchies, but just one way to communicate a deep hierarchy. Students occasionally confuse a vertical display of a wide hierarchy for a deep hierarchy, and while it can be confusing, it’s important to understand the difference to interpret others’ maps.


Note: The Visual Sitemap is not be confused with:

XML Sitemap - Once your website is complete, you should include your sitemap formatted in an XML file. This is for robots, such as search engine webcrawlers, and may help them quickly index your website based on how the pages link together.

  • Assets refer to the contents of your web app
    • text - broadly refers to all text assets
      • copy - refers to text assets, written by a copywriter. Copy typically lies somewhere between informational and marketing, in that you are typically trying to persuade the reader to do something, a call to action.
      • All text assets should be shared in a Text Document, e.g. Word, so that writers who are not web experts can easily update this.
    • images - pictures for your website, which may be supplied from an artist or taken from stock photos. Typically separated between graphics and photographs
      • Typically images are modified (cropped) and exported as compressed variants for the web. It can be useful to keep the originals in case further changes need to be done later, e.g. photoshop files.
      • Some lossless types are used in the web, e.g. .png and .svg, but these are not appropriate for photographs
    • other asset types may include videos, icons, ui elements (buttons), audio, fonts, palettes and databases.
    • It is increasingly popular to use assets hosted by third party services, such as icons and fonts, with trade-offs to this approach
  • During design the asset inventory should be created before or in parallel the sitemap. This way, you are ensuring that your site structure matches your content, and not the other way around. This is called content first design.

  • It is important to track these assets so that, at a glance, one can easily see which assets are found, and which ones are still needed. Highlighting is great for this. It can also be useful to see when assets were last updated, to quickly catch ones that might need an update.

  • There are a number of ways in which we can track the assets we have and need. A spreadsheet is a good idea, which can be shared among the team, either by tracking through github, or using a collaborative office software, like Google Docs.

  • This is a living document, which should be updated as you go through your creation process


Asset Inventory: Pages

Asset Inventory Pages

Asset Inventory: Assets

Asset Inventory Assets

You can grab my template from the example files from URCourses.

Figma is a cloud service which you can use through your browser. I will be using Firefox, but according the help documents here, the following browsers are supported, if properly updated:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

(Sorry Internet Explorer fans, time for an upgrade!)

Figma provides free pro features for education purposes, as shown here:

Figma for education

Follow the process here:

Create an account using your school email.

Here are some sample settings which may help with validation, but you should tailor these as needed for you:

Let me know if you have any problems signing up, though I am not sure there is anything I’ll be able to do, but hopefully!

Figma has the ability to create both design files and FigJam files. Design are for creating UI mockups, wheras FigJam are for use as Whiteboards and diagramming. We’ll be using design files for this lab:

Let’s learn the UI of a design file

  1. The file menu and design tools are up here
    • The Figma Icon acts like the top bar menu you would see in typical desktop appliactions
      • e.g. File, Edit, View, etc.
    • Left to right, we have:
      • Selection Tools (Select, Move V, Scale K)
      • Frame Tools, which we can use to creates our pages or views (Frame F, Slice S)
        • Frames can both represent complete pages, as well as individual components
      • Shape tools, for drawing geometric primitives (Rectangle R, Line L, Arrow, Ellipse O, Polygon, Star, Image)
      • Drawing tools for creating Bézier curves or freehand (Pen P, Pencil)
      • Text T
      • Hand H (pan)
      • Comment C
  2. Filename - Set your filename here
    • Your files will automatically get saved in the cloud on Figma’s servers
    • To save it locally, instead do a Figma -> File -> Save local copy...
    • Note: When modifying some objects, this area will also change to have more operations, like masking and boolean operations
  3. This region has sharing tools, preview tools, and zoom tools
  4. This region has layers, assets and pages
    • Layers
      • You can think of placing elements on the page like a paper collage.
      • Things placed earlier fall below other things.
      • You can use this menu to manually adjust the depth of elements by dragging them up and down.
      • You can also group elements together to move them together, toggle visibility, and lock them to prevent accidentally moving them
    • Assets - The assets tab houses libraries of reusable components to add to your project.
    • You can create these yourself or import other libraries
    • Pages
      • Pages allow you to have multiple pages in one file. This is akin to the multiple sheets in a spreadsheet we saw last week.
    • The area directly below will change depending on the tab you have selected above
  5. This area switch modes between
    • Design - where we arrange objects in our screen.
    • Prototype - where we add interactions to our prototypes. We’ll look at this next week.
    • Inspect - get detailed info about your objects, like specific position or colors.
  6. In this region to you can modify some details about your selected objects. This will update depending on the context of the object selected. e.g. if we have selected text, we will see options like for fonts and text aligning. If we have selected a rectangle, we can modify properties such as the outline color, thickness, and fill color and opacity.

Of course, center stage is where we’ll actually do all of our designing!

Note, Figma has a mode specially designed for doing quick diagrams like SiteMaps, which is called the FigJam. However, I want you to build your skills using the Design workflow, so we will work there for this portion of the lab!

Quickly sketch up a sitemap:

  • Start by drawing a Rectangle
    • Select the rectangle tool
    • Draw a rectangle in center stage by dragging
  • Add some text to the middle of the rectangle
    • Select the text tool
    • Create a text object on center stage
    • Type to add some text
    • Drag the text to where you want it
    • Guides appear as you drag things around to help you center and match existing spaces
  • Once you like the way this looks, copy and paste rectangles and text together as needed
    • ctrl+d is a shortcut for duplicating what is selected
    • Then start dragging to move it around
  • Connect pages with lines to represent links
    • click on the line tool
    • Drag from one box boundary to the other
    • You can fine-tune positioning by selecting the edge of a line after being placed
    • You can also creates lines use the more powerful Pen Tool, which can allow you to later bend or add curves to your lines

Let’s work together to perform a content audit on an existing website, generating an Asset Inventory and also a Sitemap

Competitor Analysis and Content Audit

For this assignment, you are to find a SMALL (I can’t stress this enough!) website, in the range of 3 to 5 pages. Assume you have been tasked to redesign this website - but you must first analyze the existing content.

You are to create a sitemap and an asset inventory for this site as it currently exists.

Be sure to click around. Look for pages which are not listed in the main navigation. When hunting for assets, don’t forget things like icons, text and images. If you see a carousel as a hero banner, list out the images.

  • You may, but do not need to, find the actual filename for an image, but could instead choose something appropriate. It is strongly recommended to name your files in the Linux standard format, as linux is the standard for servers on the web:
    • lowercase
    • separate words with dashes
    • brief but descriptive names
    • eg. coffee-with-cream.png

These analysis methods are more suited to static websites. If you find dynamic content, like forums, blog posts or galleries, these do not need to be exhaustively documented in the asset inventory, instead, simply document all of the content for one entry, eg. one blog post, one forum post, etc., and include a database asset.

Include a text file which includes the name of the site which you are documenting

Good types of websites to analyze: Personal CVs / portfolio pages, small organization pages, single product websites

*** Look through a website first to get a rough idea of the amount of work before committing to document it - I’m not trying to take up too much of your time with this assignment, just give you some practice using the techniques and tools discussed.

Please submit your files on URCourses by the due date, in one .zip file. Include a file which includes the name of the site which you are documenting, your sitemap as a .png, and your spreadsheet as an .xlsx or .ods.

Example directory (zipped):
├── sitemap.png
└── asset-inventory.ods