ENSE 374 - Software Engineering Management - Laboratory

University of Regina - Engineering and Applied Science - Software Systems Engineering

Lab Instructor: Adam Tilson

Labs will be on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s and delivered remotely over Zoom. You may drop into whichever session you prefer. Zoom details will be posted on URCourses.

Title Assigned Due Grading
1. GitHub and User Story Mapping Jan 19 Jan 26 3%
2. Asset Inventories and Sitemaps Jan 26 Feb 2 3%
3. Wireframes in Figma Feb 2 Feb 16 3%
4. Hi-Fi Prototypes in Figma Feb 16 Mar 2 4%
5. Wordpress Environment Setup Mar 2 Mar 9 2%
6. Wordpress Themes and Design Mar 9 Mar 16 4%
7. Portfolio Review Mar 16 In Lab 6%
Total Lab Grade:     25%